
2021 Goals, 2nd Quarter Update

Car is still on track to be paid in full, seven more payments to go!  And still haven’t hit 40,000 miles on her 😀   The drainage issue is in progress, but Texas weather hasn’t been cooperating with the company thanks to it continuing to randomly drop heavy rain.  As they […]

2021 Goals

Setting goals for 2021 is a challenge, considering the madness that was 2020 and the still on-going pandemic, which derailed so much.  I don’t know how much longer I’ll be working from home, though I suspect a few months into the year until the vaccine is widespread enough that it’s […]

2020 Goals

Weee, time to decide on goals!  And boy oh boy was it HARD!  I spent three weeks working on these this year, revising, reconsidering, revising again.   Partially it’s from lots of uncertainty on some areas, especially the financial situation, what we’re doing exercise-wise, and what the effects of some medical […]