2021 Goals, 3rd Quarter Update

Got some stuff done, on track with others, but also having a bit of a rut, I guess?  Feeling like I need to reevaluate and refocus on things I want to do in my life.  Or something.  I don’t know… it’s hard to articulate right now.   I have canceled a few goals for financial reasons, and there are some others I suspect won’t get done, but keeping them there for now.  No new goals right now, as I can’t really think of any LOL  THe only new one that I might have added, make Affiliate on Twitch, I achieved just before the end of the month, so yay!  Not the biggest update… hopefully more posts later.  Wee!


  1. Pay off my personal loan (car)
  2. No new credit card debt

Fitness and Health

  1. Consistently exercise 3 times a week
  2. Get bracesCANCELLED – going to wait until January because I want the car paid off first
  3. Find a new PCP and get a checkup
  4. Get bridge

Around the House

  1. Get new plants in the main garden
  2. Replace gutter spout extensionDONE! drainage guys replaced it with one that runs to the end of the yard even!
  3. Mow lawn at least once a month
  4. Get foundation checked
  5. Deal with the leak under the house from tub pipe
  6. Declutter house
  7. Replace dead roses (two)
  8. Get trailer hitch on Ruby MoonCANCELLED priced it out, would cost $1k, so not doing right now
  9. Do at least one project: build shoe rack, build a new bookcase, close off garage door to the utility room, or replace bathroom sink
  10. Get an estimate on painting the house and repairing/replacing cedar shingles, as needed
  11. Repair/replace fence gates
  12. Get drainage issues addressedDONE! and it is awesome!
  13. Clean up library: deal with rugs, clean out the closet, declutter, clean the damn floor, and deal with shelving!
  14. Price out costs of replacing TV for future planning (includes TV itself, TV cabinet, etc)

Everything Else

  1. Complete 20 video games – 12 done
  2. Read 100 books – 56 read so far, over halfway there!
  3. Update the ICEE guide
  4. Update front end of An Eclectic World to Bootstrap 4
  5. Replace worn-out clothes – some shirts done, 2 out of 3 pairs of shoes done, working on more, wee!
  6. Do at least two web-development related blog posts
  7. Do at least twelve non-goal blog posts in general – halfway there!
  8. Get caught up on picture editing and posting
  9. No more than 2 weeks between new pics taken and processed!
  10. See if can budget to replace laptop and/or monitor(s) this yearCANCELLED decided the laptop will wait until 2022 after the car is paid off since prices are looking to be in the $1500-2000 range for what I want, monitors are more affordable, but also waiting until after the car is paid off
  11. Learn to play digital piano – making good progress, I think 🙂