Creekside Market added to the ICEE Guide
Like the title says, White Creek Community Center’s Creekside Market on the A&M Campus now has ICEE which means they are now in the ICEE Guide! 🙂
Like the title says, White Creek Community Center’s Creekside Market on the A&M Campus now has ICEE which means they are now in the ICEE Guide! 🙂
I’ve updated the ICEE Guide to include Great American Cookies and Star Cinema Grill. I’ve also updated my list of what known locations that I’m working on 🙂
Been awhile since I’ve had a new find, but the Stripes page for the ICEE Guide has been updated as I discovered a previously ICEE-less location is now providing that yummy cold goodness to customers!
As promised, the ICEE Guide areas have been converted to pages versus posts, so its easier to find them without date browsing. The menu at the top even has a drop list of all of them! I’ve also updated all of the ones that had multiple pictures to move the […]
I haven’t forgotten my ICEE guide, despite the lack of updates lately. Had a lot going on and all. That said, I’m still working on the post for Stripes (two more locations to check out). I’m also working on a post for Aggie Stop, which is in the MSC, but have […]
You might have spotted a “moving notice” on the site recently, that vanished once the DNS updates pushed through. This is because I finally have gotten started setting up on a new host and Eclectic Thoughts was the first of my sites to be moved (as it was the only […]
I finally got off my tush and finished the switch of ColdFusion Beyond to its new name, Eclectic Thoughts, and flipped from Mango Blog to Word Press as my CMS. I’ll do a post about that conversion in the future for anyone else looking to do the switch. I’m still […]
The new site name is registered and the domain pointing here, for now. Going back to my web "roots", the site will be renamed to Eclectic Thoughts with the URL (the URL without the dash was taken). I already mentioned in the last post how my first site is […]
Howdy ho! Me again with another random “yes, I’m still alive” check in. Sorry for the continued long stretches without posts. I have a crap ton of stuff I keep meaning to post about, but I’m also significantly behind on a major project at work so it’s eating most of […]
Of course it is November, so I’m immersed in National Novel Writing Month and the bulk of my writing is focused on that. Thus far, I am behind, alas, but I’m still hanging in there. I’ve been this behind before and its’ highly likely I will win, mostly just need to […]