Reducing Query Calls with Caching in ZF2

To improve performance on our apps, we’ve been working on a combination of optimizing queries to require fewer additional calls just to get a single bit of data (like the name of who added a record) and using caching to access data that doesn’t change frequently. For example, core pick […]

ZF2: Validating Form Collections

We’ve used Zend Frameworks very nifty Form Collection element in multiple applications to deal with forms where there may be one or more repeating fields.  For example, our custom contact list function allows users to add search groups and rows to those groups.  The Form Collection goodness made it eas(ier) […]

Custom Form Elements in ZF2: Simple Example

For our final application recode from ColdFusion to PHP, we hit on needing to do some custom form elements.  We’d already done custom form view helpers to implement Bootstrap design (which I’ll cover in-depth as either a separate series or as part of the An Eclectic World Recode series). This, […]

Overdue Update

Wow, it's been nearly two months since my last post!  Whoops! I'm still around, it's been a strange mix of quiet and hectic lately.  Quiet in that we wrapped up our first PHP Zend project and got it out the door.  Thus far it's worked pretty well other than the occasional completely […]